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Extensive and flexible packages.


Choose from a wide variety of solutions: Basic job post with custom designs, a Premium Plus package or our Preselector recruitment services? Order one of our services that matches your needs, or contact us and our experts will assist you to find the suitable one!





6 reasons why you to choose us

We help you to find the ideal candidates with our 20 years experience. Not only you can post job ads, but we also support the entire selection process with our senior recruitment specialists. If you would like to receive candidates quickly, our Rapid service has been delivered the ideal candidates within 5 days. And once you log into your account, you can keep track of applications.



1 000 000 monthly page views

292 000 searchable CVs

Flexible, tailor-made offering


Dedicated & professional service team


Good value for money


Advanced digital recruitment solutions

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Create your company profile!

Most jobseekers are well informed about the job posting company before submitting their application.
Open your profile and share all the important information about your business!
Make your workplace attractive to prospective colleagues!


Present your company!


Our service packages are extensive and can be customized.



Find your next employee with our flexible and customized ad packages from 69 900 Ft!


The recruitment of candidates is not as easy as he thought?
Ask for help from our qualified HR consultants! Work with our playful recruitment solutions and hire your next talent easily with us!



Browse freely in our quality, ever-expanding CV database
from 179 900 Ft!


Delivering a minimum of 20 interested and relevant potential candidates only in 5 days. That is Rapid by Cvonline. New, playful employer branding and effective recruitment solution.
This is the Cvonline Turbo.


Opinions about us

„I am maximally satisfied with Cvonline team's flexible work and human attitude. All colleague is quick and kind. I can only recommend them to every advertiser. Our work relationship with them has been uninterrupted for years and our satisfaction too. ”

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Are you interested in our services?

If you are an Employer, please, contact our Sales Staff here below the one of the contact details.


Client Services For Employers and Recruitment Agencies

Russmedia Digital Kft.


Contact us


Find your future colleague! You can search easily and quickly in our CV database!


How does the Resume Search work?

Applicants have the opportunity to join the Resume Search without any obligations. Employment agencies get the possibility to contact interesting applicants and are able to recruit directly from the database on demand.


What should I do, if I have forgotten my password?

Click on the Login on the top right and on "Request new password". The password will be sent to your e-mail address, which you have used to register your account. Please note: The delivery of the new password might take some minutes.


How can I change my password or my username?

Login to your account and click on your name on the top right and then on "My Account". After you have entered your current password you will be able to create a new password or a new username.

What is a featured job?

A featured job is displayed on Cvonline´s front page, it is highlighted in the search results and linked with social networks.


How can I publish a job posting?

As an employer you can create an account for free. Log into your account and choose "Jobs" in the navigation bar. Now you are already able to post Jobs per template, per link or per PDF.


Where do I see my posting credits?

Log in to your account and click on "jobs" in the navigation bar. If you have credits, they will be shown under the jobs credits blance.

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Job posting with credits

Find your next employee with our flexible and customized ad packages!

If you have credits, you can add your job advertisement easily and quickly on online!


I have credits - I add my job advertisement!